Author : Richard Jones

A Jerkin’s Jaunt

A stunning Jerkin (male Gyr falcon) presented to the clinic recently with a rapidly growing ‘lump’ on the side of his neck. A fine needle aspirate of the mass demonstrated some concerning, possibly cancerous cells with x-rays indicating the mass was getting very close to the exceedingly delicate structures of the neck including the hyoid  (very fine bones […]

A Turkey Is Not Just For Christmas!!

‘Turkey Turk’ an unusual but clearly much loved pet presented recently after being attacked by a dog, sustaining a nasty neck wound which we were concerned involved important structures underneath like crop, windpipe and major blood vessels. At nearly 10 kg he also presented a surgical challenge, as we could just about fit him on our operating table!! Thankfully the […]

Insurance for companion birds

We are often asked by clients about insurance cover for birds, what follows will hopefully provide you with details to help you make an appropriate and informed decision. The first thing to highlight is that we are not affiliated with any insurers and cannot recommend specific companies or policies. That being said, to the best […]

Avian Influenza Winter 2016/2017

For information please find below links to APHA website. We shall monitor the situation closely and do our best to keep you updated both here and on our Facebook Page / Twitter Feed. Avian Influenza Declaration of Prevention Zone Biosecurity within Prevention Zone DEFRA Avian Influenza Interactive Map Updated Measures effective 13 04 2017

The importance of preventative medicine in birds

In most other branches of veterinary medicine companion animals present for annual vaccinations to prevent the development of some of the more unpleasant and potentially life threatening diseases. The actual administration of the vaccine however, is a relatively small part of the benefit of the annual visits. Such regular ‘check-ups’  offer a chance for the veterinary surgeon to thoroughly examine your pet, potentially picking up on […]

Stella’s Story

Stella, a young Gyr falcon hybrid, presented to AVS last year with a case of bumblefoot in her left foot. Bumblefoot is essentially an inflammatory condition of the feet, with in most cases infection occurring secondary to a penetrating wound or more often pressure damage to the ball of the foot from either trauma or inappropriate perching, causing […]

AVS teams up with world renowned bird clinic, California

In December, AVS welcomed friends and colleagues Dr Larry Nemetz and Donna Garrou from the world renowned ‘The BIRD Clinic’ in California. Larry is the world’s leading psittacine soft tissue surgeon and via numerous seminars and practical sessions we were trained in the very latest anaesthesia and micro surgical techniques. Although in regular contact for case discussions (which in this digital age […]

Inhaled toxins / irritants in birds of prey

A few recent cases have alerted us to potential problems with inhaled toxins/irritants in birds of prey. Optimal ventilation with the provision of ‘fresh air’ is essential in all animals; though with the birds’ unique respiratory tract of air sacs ventilating a static lung it is even more critical. Their specialized respiratory system is able to extract the massive […]

Bunged-up Budgie!

Toby, a very handsome 2 year old budgie presented recently to AVS with a history of a lump on his chest that had been getting progressively larger over the past few weeks. He was also bobbing his head, as if trying to regurgitate, and his owners reported he had been uncharacteristically ‘smelly’ during this period. On […]

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