Author : Richard Jones

Henrietta’s Tail!!

Henrietta, a 4 year old pet chook is back to her normal feisty self after undergoing surgery to remove a particularly unpleasant tumour from her tail. When she presented to AVS with a large, rapidly growing and now bleeding mass, we feared the worst, especially as it seemed to have significant attachment to the tissues […]

Toe Trouble!

Here is another case that illustrates the incredible healing powers of our avian patients.  A female peregrine falcon presented to the clinic last month with, as you can see, an incredibly swollen toe after sustaining an injury whilst fee lofted in her moulting aviary. We still have no idea how this injury occurred in this […]

Roosty Rules!!

Once again a pet chicken has proved that they are one of the toughest creatures on the planet!! When ‘Roosty’ was rushed into AVS late one night after being attacked by a dog I have to say we didn’t think she would survive. She was extremely shocked and collapsed with multiple severe bite wounds all over […]

Easter Opening Times

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter! We are closed to routine appointments on the Bank holidays, but as always we provide our own out of hours emergency service to our clients. Thursday April 2nd 9am – 6.30pm Friday April 3rd CLOSED Saturday April 4th 9.10am – 12noon Sunday April 5th CLOSED Monday […]

Peregrine Pin-up!

A photograph of Richard’s peregrine falcon ‘Gwen’ has made the front pages! She is proudly gracing the front of the current edition of the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, the official publication of the Association of Avian Veterinarians The journal is sent out approximately 1700 avian vets all over the globe.

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